Grecja gotowala ksiazki Finansowe za pomoca swoich mocodawcow i kontrolerow Goldman Sachs
Ta sama firma co zniszczyla tymczasowo Polski Zloty.
Nie wiadomo co tam Marcinkiewicz tez mieszal?
Firma ta sprzedala wszyskie obligache Grecji przed podaniem nowego kryzysu, ktory przeniesie sie na Hiszpanie, Portugalie, Irlandia a moze i Austria. Bialorus jest w lepszej sytuacji bo nie miala oszustow jako doradcow, i nie inwestowala w bezwartosciowe papiery
Greece cooked the books: Goldman Sachs helped Greece hide its troubles
Goldman Sachs tricky derivatives trades may have masked the Greek debt just long enough to hurt all of us again. Goldman Sachs made up an exchange rate that allowed the Greeks to look as though they were only engaging in a currency swap when, in effect, they were getting more than a billion more than they should have from the trades in credit. Its likely that Goldman made a killing on the commissions for the swaps, and then sold the swaps to a Greek bank for even higher profits.