Andrzej Bajan
519 N Broadway
Yonkers, NY
(914) 968-9039
Andrzej Bajan "PolArbor Tree and Shrub Experts New York US"
Andrzej Bajan
master degree of physical education-soccer coach now tree expert in US
Polish American since 1981 in US
married with two children
519 N Broadway
Yonkers, NY
(914) 968-9039
office at raqport.com
Our goal with "PolArbor Tree and Shrub Experts" is to protect the health and beauty of one of the most important natural resources there is, your trees. Our long time experience and knowledge of arborculture, soil, root systems and pest management is essential in our job. PolArbor has been dedicated to improve the condition of your trees and shrubs. We can aslo be your own garden consultant.
Our safety and hard working crew
(Owner Andrew secound from right)
Top workers and the most advanced tools in their hands.
Andrew Bajan,(51), founder of "PolArbor Tree and Shrub Experts" started his aborist career a long time ago in his native country Poland. Bajan's family owned a few acres of beautiful orchards full of apples, plums and pear trees. His father taught him how to do his first prunning cuts, an essential part of fruit tree care. Besideds trees, he loved parenial flowers and old fashion, fragrant roses. After his arrival in February, 1982 to America, Andrew was hired by "Tree Preservation Co. Inc." in Briarcliff Manor. Trimming trees around "Con Edison" power lines was his everyday job. Being a good and responisble worker, he learned his job quickly, and was promoted to the Foreman position.
Tree climbing, operating bucket trucks during an emergency through any time of stormy weather was a vital part of his work. In 1994, he joined "Asplundh Tree Experts", the biggest tree company in the nation. His crew was assigned to the most dangerous emergency work in the New York metropolitan area. As a crew leader, he was awarded and complimented many times by "Asplundh" and "Con Ediosn" managment. Beside his regular job, Andrew spent many years doing private work, while building his reputation as a skilled arborist. Finally he started his own company,"PolArbor Tree and Shrub Experts" and Garden Consultant, and company logo "PRESERVING NATURAL BEAUTY" is always on his mind.